For many products such as.
Switches. Firewall or NAS systems arise high consequential costs in case of failure, because
equal to several people can not continue to work.
These üüberersteigen the value of goods often by far. Service products where the defective
defective equipment is first sent in and tested before new goods are shipped,
are too slow and unsuitable.
Despite this, often only such products are offered, you have less risk für the
Provider and are relatively cheap. With high follow-up costs you save here at the wrong
end. Therefore we offer with many products ausdrücklich Vorabauschchservice, with
If a fault is reported, a replacement device is sent directly. The testing of the
defective device can be carried out later at leisure, while the customer is
can return to work long after the defect has been repaired. Therefore, for equipment that is important for your company's
operation of your company, make sure you have a right of advance exchange.